Healthy Tips & Advice

DR. Matt Singer's Tips

Chronic Cough

One of the most annoying issues with a chronic cough is the disturbance of sleep it can bring to so many people.  Unfortunately over the counter medications only suppress the symptoms periodically until the cough returns with a vengeance.

I was taught a simple Ayurvedic technique using simple root vegetables to draw out infections and stop a fever, cough, headache, runny nose, congestion, and fever aches.


1 White/Red Onion

3 Cloves Garlic

2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Tbsp Corn Starch


Dice the onion and garlic and steam over boiling water for 5 minutes.

Add the apple cider vinegar and corn starch

Mix together into a ball

Place into a cheese cloth or breathable cloth

Place on you chest with a heating pad over the cloth

Let it sit on your chest for 45-60 minutes

Repeat as many times as you like

Dr. Singer's Tip

I have found that wrapping the onion/garlic cloth concoction into tin foil when I'm not using it will keep it moist and allow multiple uses before needing new onions/garlic.  You can sleep with the concoction so don't worry if you exceed 60 minutes.  Just be careful because you will smell like garlic!!!  The results are amazing and works quickly!




The ancient Hawaiian people understood on a gut level that to harbor resentment against others hurts the person who refuses to forgive.  Dr. Joe Vitale wrote an incredible book about a Hawaiian therapist Dr. Hew Len who helped to heal an entire ward of inmates who were criminally insane, committing the worst of the worst crimes against people.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice still in use today and is well-known for the miracle it does in clearing negativity from one’s mind and thought.  It is believed to be designed to wipe out all the negativity in our thoughts and those blocks that are keeping us miserable.
Hawaiian technique Ho’oponopono has been specifically designed to remove all the stress and negativity from your mind, allowing us to enjoy the eternal happiness which is our birthright. It is a simple technique where you ask (God, Source, Divinity etc…) for forgiveness while purifying yourself.
There are four phrases or steps to follow and the magical healing starts from within. These four steps involved in the Ho’oponopono practice make you realize the fact that you are responsible for everything that happens to you, what we see on the outside is actually a part of us inward.  Once you realize this fact it becomes easy for you to start practicing these 4 steps.
  • The first step asks you to say, “I am sorry” for everything that has happened or any wrong thing that you have witnessed. What we see on the outside is a direct reflection of the inner being, the inner mind, the inner program.
  • Once you are able to say sorry the second step requires you to ask, “Please forgive me”. You will be seeking forgiveness for everything you felt sorry for in the first step.  What we feel in another we own for ourself and asking forgiveness for the energy/program which allowed the event to occur will clean/erase the energy from our consciousness. While doing so you are asking to forgive everything from you and your past memories that may have been involved with the wrong doings. These may sound weird for many of us but once you mean what you say the process is magical.
  • The third step involves an intense and incredible gratitude for everything that has happened to you in your life.  The third phrase “Thank you” allows you to learn appreciation for everything that is big or small in your life.  In right time the correct result will appear in front of you. This step will help you to have patience as well.
  • The last step that you need to follow is to show your love and say, “I love you” to everything that is yours. This way you will learn to love everything related to you.
The process of using Ho’oponopono is so simple yet extremely powerful and can yield life-changing results.  Let me give you a powerful example of how Ho’oponopono can be used.

Dr. Singer's Tip

Chris was having fear around money and began judging himself and comparing himself to his friends and random people he would read about on social media.  He would judge himself for thinking he didn’t make as much money as those around him and fell into a deep depression over his perceptions around not having enough.
I took him through this process of Ho’oponopono and helped him to see in himself what he was actually seeing in others.  This process allowed Chris to understand his perceived fear around money, first giving “thanks” to the Universe for showing him the old programs of lack, fear, doubt, and distrust he was taking on from other people and relatives.
The second step he mastered was “please forgive me” because self- forgiveness allows the great I Am to release the subconscious programs that do not serve us.
The third step was saying “sorry” to the Universe for holding on to these emotions that no longer served him.
The fourth step, “I love you” is reconnecting with Divinity, The God-Self, which has always unconditionally loved us and continues to unconditionally love us, reuniting us with our true inner self.
Love is the true essence of who our inner being, our inner-self truly is and when we are truly aligned with our inner-being life feel rewarding, free, powerful, abundant, and purposeful. 
When we are aligned with our inner-being opportunities and prosperity flows to us in ways the physical brain could have never figured out.
This technique is explained in great detain by Dr. Joe Vitale I highly recommend his book and watch the amazing interview of Dr. Hew Len on You Tube.

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