
Keeping People Sick

So think about this, in our world in terms of health there is so much effort to try and prevent people from dying however there is so much effort to keep people sick.

The people trying to keep others sick and down do so in such a clever way that those who are sick would never believe in a million years that somebody else was trying to do this to them.

For example  Take the food industry:

Millions of people are addicted to feeling good and use food as a way to feel good.

Even with countless amounts of nutrition books, movies, and documentaries that have been made regarding the state of our food in this country people are still becoming ill from food related diseases. The amount of toxins, neurotoxins, and preservatives in our foods today are enough to kill people slowly and indiscriminately;  so slowly that people can't see it coming.

This is what it looks like:

Step one:

At a very young age we tend to see children developing eczema, psoriasis, auto immune diseases, tooth decay, allergies, digestive issues, and a whole host of other slowly degenerative diseases.

The parent brings the child to a physician who puts that child on an antibiotic or a steroid cream or even worse an anti depressant to mask symptoms of malaise, fatigue, and depression.

The child's health does not change while on the medication, they slowly get worse and now more medications are added.

The child's precious Gut bacteria begins weakening creating additional immune deficiency syndromes.

Step Two:

Now this child is a little older, a preteen or teenager and usually develops such symptoms as Acne, ADHD, Digestive problems, blood in the stool, obesity, learning disabilities, behavioral issues, and Immune related disorders.

Now the medication really begins And the child's natural abilities are suppressed.

Step Three:

The child is now a young adult and is having difficulty functioning in everyday society, plagued with inner tremors, fatigue, joint pain, Inability to concentrate, and is eventually brought to a physician where they are first diagnosed with a disease like an auto immune condition, Hashimoto's, or a thyroid condition, benign cysts, tumors, and PCOS.

Now more medications are given and surgeries are performed to cut stuff out only to patch and fix the underlying cause. Unfortunately this young adult Is actually dreading life wishing they were healthier, obsessing over how to get their health back.

At this point the child who is now an adult has gone to dozens of doctors and specialists all over the world trying to get answers. Now this same person is greatly immunocompromised and find themselves getting cold and flus much easier. 

At this point they are living on multiple medications, vaccinations,  and experimental drugs.

This is how subtle the process is and how life threatening the process is.  However it could have all been prevented through simple lifestyle choices.

Step Four

This is the most dangerous step in their breakdown of health which becomes their loss of mental health, brain fog, and a loss of hope, their purpose and passion for life dwindles down and leads to their inability to heal.

Most of these people end up in such a pit of despair they feel there is no way out, even an attempt to help themselves turns to frustration.

They try to read some best selling books on nutrition and life changing health but find the process too daunting and usually give up the process before they should.

They try to exercise and don't feel good so they stop.  They tried juicing and eating better and they get depressed so they stop.  They try meditating but don't believe in the spiritual side and give up too quickly.

At this point to have any chance of getting their life back these important steps must be taken:

  1. An intense and incredible gratitude for them-self must be felt with a belief that their body will heal, letting go of all doubt and disbelief.
  2. They have to appreciate the progress it takes for them to get to where they are and understand it takes time to completely heal.
  3. They have to realize that medications will not heal them at this point and they have to stop taking antibiotics.
  4. Amazing foods have to be consumed like celery juice, beet juice, carrot and apple juice, and they must eliminate all meats, cheeses, dairy, gluten, eggs, and fried foods.  Plant based foods will start healing their body while a very specific organ detoxification must be done.
  5. Most importantly...do not give up!!!  Remember, it took time for the body to break down and it takes time for the body to remove all illness and disease.

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8:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm




By Appointment



8:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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integrative holistic center