The Health Formula

The most important topic on every person's mind, besides their families, cars, pets, and personal items, is always their health.  People always ask me about the "secret" formula for staying healthy and preventing disease.  I have compiled a short list of the most important factors for staying healthy and preventing disease:

1.  Oxygen:  Most of the time we are doing what is called, "anxiety breathing" which involves taking very short breaths, not allowing our diaphragms to fully fill with adequate amounts of oxygen.  Secondly, our atmosphere has a large amount of pollutants thus limiting the amount of pure oxygen we breathe in per breath.

The best forms of breathing are long and slow in and out breaths, holding for a count of 5-8 seconds and letting the breath release forcefully.

2.  Water:  By the time you feel thirsty your body is already dehydrated!  Make sure you are drinking water with electrolytes.  Electrolytes should come from sources such as: Coconut water, mangoes, papayas, celery, cucumber, sea salt, and others.  Be sure to drink even when you do not feel thirsty because 99% of all diseases can be prevented simply by drinking more water!

3.  Movement:  Exercise is critical for the movement of our lymphatic fluid which drains out toxins from our body.  The less we move the more pain, inflammation, and arthritis we are at risk for getting.  Exercise keeps the brain young and the body healthy!

4.  Food:  Eat to live, do not live to eat!  Foods have an ability to detoxify the body from heavy metals, chemicals, cancers, mutated cells, and restore our cells back to a perfected state of health.  These foods are the raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds which gives our bodies essential omega fatty acids, essential vitamins, nutrients, and disease fighters.  Consume organic produce especially dark green leafy vegetables such as: Kale, chard, beet leafs, collard green, and dandelion leafs.

Avoid processes, fried, packaged, preserved, and modified foods with flavor and color enhancers.

5.  Stress Reduction:  Take up such techniques as yoga, meditation, creative visualization, journaling, and any other technique that will calm and relax you!

These techniques will change your life and prevent illness!

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