Treat vs Cure

Aspirin can work well in terms of treating a headache and eliminating the symptoms associated with the headache, such as pain, pressure, aching muscles, fatigue, and sensitivity to light.  However the relief may only be temporary because the aspirin does not heal the cause which brought about the headache in the first place.

Anti-itch creams help relieve the intense sensations of itchy, burning skin yet they do not eliminate the allergens that created the histamine response.

Antacids can relieve heartburn symptoms periodically however they can not cure the problem.  Alcohol can be used to drown out sorrow, regret, and despair temporarily however upon sobering up, the feelings will be more intense than before using alcohol.

As you can start to see, there are thousands of products that we use every day to eliminate a symptom however the definition of a symptom is simply a "temporary clue" which if we investigate enough, will reveal the answer.

Instead of masking a headache examine if the headache is due to dehydration.  It takes half your body weight in water to properly hydrate the body, adding foods, sweets, and junk to the mix will require much more water to maintain proper hydration.  Dehydration will cause muscles to tense, leading to such things as headaches, leg cramps, sciatica pain, and pain on the bottom of your feet.

Itchiness is caused mainly by a histamine reaction to foods such as dairy, gluten, grains, sulfites, and nightshades.  It can also be caused by abrasive chemicals contacting the skin such as detergents, soaps, jewelry, creams, and perfumes.

Heartburn is due to the Pituitary gland shutting down.  When the Pituitary gland stops working properly there will be a deficiency of hydrochloric acid production.  This will lead to foods being undigested in the colon, thus releasing acidic gases in the alimentary tract that will lead to a weakening of the valve between your stomach and esophagus.  This phenomenon leads to what we refer to as heartburn, which is due to a shortage of stomach acids, not too much!

So instead of trying to mask symptoms, seek to find the cure by uncovering the origin of the problem.

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